Watch the realisation
Follow the link to see, how the playground, proposed and voted by the citizens of Telsiai, gets realised: https://youtu.be/occdraxRsl4
On October 21-23, 2021, prof. dr. Jaroslav Dvorak participated in the annual conference organized by The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. During the conference, dr. Jaroslav Dvorak presented the report "Lessons Learned from Evidence-Based Participatory Budgeting in Lithuania: The Case of the EmPaci Project", in which he presented the activities carried out during the EmPaci projects and the results achieved in Lithuania. It was also presented along with a lect. G. Burbulytė-Tsiskarishvili and assoc. prof. dr. Valentina Burkšienė conducted a study on the perspectives of mayors in implementing the participatory budgeting in Lithuania during the COVID-19 times. According to the research findings: In Lithuanian case PBs do not rely only on the mayors ’wills and are influenced by political affiliation. This provides conditions for the continuous success (initiation, implementation and durability) of the PB initiative especially in uncertain times of specific crises (i.e., COVID-19). Strong interconnectivity between the mayor and the council (whether majority or opposition) leads to the collective decision making on PB and strong both political and administrative support.
Photos by Daniel Klimovský
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
The 2nd participation budget pilot of the EmPaci project in Rietavas municipality is coming to an end. Nine project proposals were submitted to the citizens' initiative competition, but six of them did not meet the requirements of the description of the procedure for selection and funding of project initiatives for citizens' initiatives and were declared ineligible.
191 residents of the municipality voted for the three citizens' initiatives submitted for voting. 201 responses were received. Due to the double voting, 10 votes were not counted, but this did not affect the distribution of votes.
The project proposal “Diskgolf in Rietavas Park”, which received 77 votes, attracted the greatest interest of the residents of Rietavas municipality. The proposal "Installation of rest benches and rubbish bins in the park alley" received only 5 votes less. In third place was the project proposal "Dog Guide and Training Ground", which received the support of 42 people.
After discussing and coordinating the planned budgets with the project authors, the Rietavas municipal administration implements the 2 projects that received the most support. In 2021, Rietavas municipality will allocate an amount of 10,000 euros to the participating budget.
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
Telšiai district municipality received 11 project ideas during the implementation of the second participatory budget. All project ideas submitted were put to the vote. Six project ideas were submitted by the residents of Telšiai city, five project ideas were submitted by the residents of rural elderships. Eight project ideas are aimed at creating infrastructure, while the remaining three focus on education and training. You can get acquainted with the project ideas on the website of Telšiai district municipality: https://www.telsiai.lt/go.php/lit/2021-metai
Voting according to the approved time schedule should start from October 22, 2021.
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
Telšiai District Municipality (LT) implements the 2nd participatory budget and, after the release of quarantine restrictions, it was decided to organize 5 direct contact trainings “Implementation of Community Initiatives through the Participatory Budgeting”: 1 in Telšiai city and 4 in rural elderships of Telšiai district. This is expected to reach residents further away from the district centre.
On June 15-30, 2021, the trainings were organized and conducted by the Telšiai Education Center (adult education institution), by order of the Municipal Administration. Thus, the message about the participatory budget was spread not only by the municipal administration but also by the Telšiai Education Center. From one hand, the residents, longing for direct communication with each other, willingly engaged in practical activities, how to present project ideas, shared thoughts, considered the possibilities of implementing the ideas. From other hand, the residents have also become more aware of the importance and support of the community, the fact that they can actively communicate with each other and solve the problems of local people. Questions were raised about the possibilities of establishing the communities themselves.
PB Training - Telsiai, 15 June, 2021
PB Training - Telsiai, 21 June, 2021
The municipal administration expects and hopes that in the 2nd participatory budgeting initiative, the population will be more active, will come up with more great ideas that will reflect the expectations and wishes of the population, and local politicians and administration will better understand how to help the population implement it. The creation of new communities, more active, happier residents and friendly living environments are also expected. The 3 hours of training did not last long, and training participants left it in a great mood and full of new ideas.
Residents can submit project ideas to the municipal administration from July 1 to August 6.
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
A meeting of the participatory budget advisory working group took place in the Telšiai district municipality administration. During the year of the meeting, it was decided to propose to change the description, stipulating that any person over 18 could submit ideas for the participatory budget (not necessarily declaring residence in Telšiai district municipality), but requires the approval of 15 residents declaring residence in the respective eldership.
Residents are invited to submit any feasible idea that meets the submission conditions specified in the call - no specific topic is specified. Invitation and other information on the municipal administration website https://www.telsiai.lt/go.php/lit/Kvietimai-teikti-gyventoju
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
The participatory budget voting phase has started with the implementation of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Program project EmPaci.
In May 2021, Rietavas municipality is conducting an online public vote for the most popular citizens' initiatives. 9 applications of Rietavas municipality residents were submitted. There are 3 project proposals for voting: Diskgolf in Rietavas Park, Dog Guide-Training Ground and Benches and Trash Cans in Rietavas Park Alley. 6 applications were declared ineligible by the Consultative Working Group due to the description of the DB Project Selection and Funding Procedures 3.3. point of non-compliance.
Voting link: https://www.rietavas.lt/go.php/lit/Kvieciame-balsuoti-uz-jums-labiausiai-patikusia-ideja/2
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
On February 25, 2021, a call for project proposals for the participatory budget was published. Information and documents are published on the official website of Rietavas municipality www.rietavas.lt. Citizens' initiatives for Rietavas municipality. The deadline for applications is March 31. In April, the advisory group will carry out an initial check of the eligibility of applications, assess the feasibility and prepare documents for online voting of Rietavas municipality residents on the google platform. Publicity and dissemination of information about the 2nd Pilot participatory budget has been carried out since the first simulation pilot on social networks on Facebook Rietavas, My city Rietavas, RLIG community, Rietavas tourism and business information website www.rietavovic.lt
During the second pilot participatory budget, a video and a participatory budget logo will be created, which will be used for the further development of citizens' initiatives.
More information on the poster.
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
On December 1, 2020, the voting for project ideas submitted by the residents of Telšiai district municipality ended. The majority of votes were cast by the residents for the project "Installation of the Anulėnai pond beach with a resort". 938 residents of the municipality voted for this project.
After the implementation of the project, an active recreation area with a beach volleyball court, exercise machines and a children's play area will be restored near the Anulėnai pond in Degaičiai. The project will be implemented in 2021, 20 thousand Eur of municipal budget funds will be allocated for its implementation.
Thanks to the active population, we hope to successfully implement the first participatory budget of the Municipality, the aim of which is to take into account the wishes and opinions of the population when allocating budget funds.
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
The Rietavas Municipal Council approved a description of the selection and financing of ideas for citizens' initiative projects
On October 29, 2020, the Rietavas Municipal Council approved a description of the selection and financing of ideas for citizens' initiative projects. According to the established procedure, the implementation of the simulation (pilot) participatory budget initiative will start next week in Rietavas Laurynas Ivinskis Gymnasium.
Link to the approved description (in Lithuanian): https://e-seimas.lrs.lt/portal/legalAct/lt/TAD/90428a821db811eb9604df942ee8e443
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
The Administration of Telšiai District Municipality is implementing the first participatory budget
The municipality has adopted legal acts, and information on the implementation of the participatory budget is published on the Telšiai District Municipality website: http://www.telsiai.lt/go.php/lit/img/532
Residents of the municipality were invited to submit project ideas in any field, as the goal was to find out more about the thoughts, desires and suggestions of the population. The municipality received eight project proposals, such as a “Mobile Biotechnology Class” that travels around all towns and villages in the municipality, a “seven-day path for women’s development” with seminars for women in psychology, business organization, self-realization and other areas and infrastructure management projects. The working group for the assessment of project ideas selected five eligible projects for which a public vote was announced. The project idea which receives the largest number of votes from the residents is scheduled to be implemented in 2021. The representatives of the elderships expressed the wish that a certain amount of funds could be allocated to each eldership every year, and that the residents of that eldership would decide how to use them.
However, experience has shown that money can be used more efficiently by providing district-wide projects and a larger amount of funding. For example, the establishment of a mobile biotechnology class requires a larger amount of funds, but would benefit the children and youth of all district elderships. By contrast, each eldership acting independently, with a smaller amount of funds, would not be able to implement such a project. Therefore, the implementation of the participatory budget is an interesting exercise, requiring reflection, consensus and good decision-making, between the community, politicians and local government administration.
The EmPaci project team - project implemented by the Telšiai district municipality administration
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
Telšiai district municipality is going to start implementing participatory budgeting initiative from 1 of July 2020
Telšiai district municipality politicians and administration aim to be more open, more citizen-oriented, seek for greater transparency in decision-making, the greater trust of the residents, using competence, knowledge and willingness to participate in the life of the district. The result of cooperation between the municipal council, the administration and the residents in decision-making is more appropriate services, the expectations of the residents have been fulfilled and mutual trust has been strengthened. In 2020, the Telšiai district municipality administration will start implementing the first participatory budget in the district.
In order to implement the ideas proposed by the public, the Telšiai District Municipal Council approved the decision “On Approval of the Description of the Procedure for Selection and Funding Community Initiative Projects”. Following this procedure, the residents of the municipality will be able to submit their proposals, project ideas, which they believe are useful and necessary for the municipal community.
The trainings held on June 30, 2020 were intended for all residents of the district, representatives of communities, groups, non-governmental organizations.
During the training, the presentation and implementation of the ideas of community initiative projects and the pilot survey of the opinion of the residents of Telšiai district municipality and its results were presented by the Head of the Department of Public Administration and Political Science of Klaipėda University assoc. professor dr. Jaroslav Dvorak and lecturer Gabrielė Burbulytė-Tsiskarishvili.
The training was attended by the Mayor of Telšiai District Municipality Kęstutis Gusarovas, members of the Council Linas Šedvilas, Tomas Katkus, Evelina Zelbaitė and Algirdas Bacevičius, administrative staff.
You can find the video here
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
On 18 of June 2020 EmPaci project partners Rietavas municipality, Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre, Klaipeda University organized the trainings to the civil servants of the Rietavas municipality.
Project partners presented lectures on the participatory budgeting status quo, origin, current models and project implementation plan.
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
On 28 May 2020, the Telšiai District Municipality council approved decision No. 20-7044 “On Approval of THE Description of the Procedure for Selection and Funding Community Initiative Projects”.
According to the decision the proposals of project ideas can be submitted by residents not younger than 18 years of age who have declared their place of residence in the territory of Telšiai district municipality. In addition, the project applicant needs to provide the fifteen signatures of the eldership residents where the project will be implemented.
The municipality council approved an advisory working group. The advisory working group will evaluate residents’ proposals of project ideas and preliminary project estimates before the residents voting. The group consists of one delegated representative of the fractions of the municipal council, one delegated representative of the Council of Non-Governmental Organizations, six civil servants of the municipal administration divisions and one representative of the elderships of the municipal administration. Once it has been established that the submitted proposal meets all the requirements specified in the call, the eligibility of the project is assessed and a list of selected projects is drawn up and a protocol drawn up.
The links to the decisions: https://e-seimas.lrs.lt/portal/legalAct/lt/TAP/dc7eff80969711eaa51db668f0092944
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
In the Lithuanian Telšiai district municipality the presentation of the results of the EmPaci population survey took place on 27 of February 2020.
Klaipeda University researchers dr. Jaroslav Dvorak and Gabrielė Burbulytė-Tsiskarishvili presented the survey results for the municipality mayor Mr. Kęstutis Gusarovas and members of the council.
You can watch the presentation from 3:45 - 21:25 at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUBYSrBmxVA&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR058F24Rls6avKmSwmdF8R-4YZXBPG-E1yKfJu6XZlTdNyYeB_kUO-kqUY
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University
In the Lithuanian Rietavas municipality the presentation of the results of the EmPaci population survey took place on 17 of February 2020.
Klaipeda University researchers dr. Jaroslav Dvorak and Gabrielė Burbulytė-Tsiskarishvili presented the survey results for the municipality politicians and administration. The presentation was attended by Antanas Cerneckis, Mayor of Rietavas Municipality, Vytautas Dičiūnas, Director of Municipal Administration, Antanas Aužbikavičius, Deputy Director, Egidijus Gricius, Youth Coordinator, Daiva Jackūnienė, EmPaci Project Coordinator, director of Rietavas Tourism and Business information centre director Laima Dockevičienė and manager Rasa Baliulevičienė.
For more information:
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak
Project manager, EmPaci, Klaipėda University