A competition of cultural initiatives in Vidzeme has ended with 69 supported projects
A competition of cultural projects - Vidzeme Culture Program - introduced by Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia) has ended with 69 supported projects that will receive funding. The competition was implemented in Vidzeme for the 13th time already introducing significant change this year - public voting to promote public participation and develop and test the mechanisms of citizen involvement in the decision-making.
149 projects were submitted for a total amount of EUR 637,373.70. Considering the criteria approved in the competition regulations, the expert commission evaluated the project applications and decided to support 69 projects, distributing the available funding of EUR 143,000.00. Unfortunately, some of the projects involving a large number of participants or visitors, as well as public events, didn't receive funding as it will not be possible to organise them due to COVID19 restrictions.
The submitted cultural projects were actively promoted by Vidzeme Planning Region, project applicants and local municipalities. Activities were also widely covered by the local and some national media. As a result, more than 12 300 votes were submitted using the voting platform balso.vidzeme.lv demonstrating a relatively high interest of Vidzeme inhabitants in the cultural processes in the region. The current COVID19 emergencies also affected the planned model of citizen involvement, denying the opportunity to vote in person.
However, the implemented activities provide valuable conclusions about the public's expectations regarding the set of cultural events in Vidzeme. Based on the observations made during this first pilot activity, Vidzeme Planning Region is already starting to plan how to evolve already initiated public involvement forms next year.
Information prepared by:
Ieva Bīviņa
Communication Manager
Vidzeme Planning Region
Liels solis pretī Līdzdalības budžeta ieviešanai Latvijā
2020.gada 14.maijā Ministru kabinetā tika apstiprināts Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrijas (VARAM) izstrādātais konceptuālais ziņojums “Par līdzdalības budžeta ieviešanu Latvijā”, kas izstrādāts, lai veicinātu iedzīvotāju iesaisti lēmumu pieņemšanas procesā un savstarpējo uzticēšanos pašvaldību un iedzīvotāju vidū. Līdzdalības budžeta ieviešana noteikta arī Deklarācijā par A.K.Kariņa vadītā Ministru kabineta darbību.
Lai arī pagaidām iespēja īstenot līdzdalības budžetu tiek plānota brīvprātīgi, tas joprojām ir liels solis pretī līdzdalības budžeta koncepta ieviešanai Latvijas pašvaldībās. Ministru kabinets ir apstiprinājis Līdzdalības budžeta iniciatīvu, un šobrīd tiek uzsākts darbs pie atbilstoša regulējuma izstrādes iekļaušanai jaunajā Vietējo pašvaldību likumā. Līdzdalības budžeta koncepta ieviešana Latvijā ir daudzsološa. Ministru kabineta apstiprinātais Līdzdalības budžeta koncepts paredz sekojošus pamatprincipus:
1) Līdzdalības budžets jāievieš visās pašvaldībās,
2) vismaz 1% no pašvaldības ieņēmumu un nekustamā īpašuma nodokļa vidējiem ienākumiem pēdējo triju gadu laikā vai vismaz EUR 500 000 gadā jānovirza Līdzdalības budžetam,
3) finansējumu sadala proporcionāli starp pašvaldības teritoriālajām vienībām vai pilsētu apkaimēm,
4) pašvaldībām līdzdalības budžeta veidošanas tematiskie virzieni jāiekļauj pašvaldības attīstības programmā,
5) līdzdalības budžeta ieviešanas noteikumi jāizstrādā katrai pašvaldībai, ievērojot noteiktos principus (piemēram, balsošana par idejām notiek vismaz 14 dienas, pašvaldība apņemas īstenot visas idejas, kas ir ieguvušas iedzīvotāju atbalstu; projekta idejas nevar būt pretrunā ar attīstības plānošanas dokumentiem utt.),
6) nodrošināt projekta ideju iesniegšanu un balsošanu, t.sk. valsts līmenī izveidot vai pielāgot esošo sistēmu, piemēram, Latvija.lv portālu,
7) plānošanas reģioni (piemēram, Vidzemes plānošanas reģions) būs atbildīgi par labās prakses apkopošanu katrā reģionā, savukārt VARAM sniegs metodisku atbalstu.
Ministrs Juris Pūce (AP!): “Būtiskākais ieguvums, ieviešot līdzdalības budžetu, ir pilsoniskās sabiedrības aktivizēšana, tieša iesaiste nozīmīgu savas teritorijas attīstības lēmumu pieņemšanā. Vienlaikus, modernizējoties valsts pārvaldei, tā ir iespēja informēt un izglītot iedzīvotājus par pašvaldības darbību, tās budžeta plānošanu, veicināt sadarbību, kā arī kopumā uzlabot iedzīvotāju piederības sajūtu konkrētai kopienai, ciemam vai pašvaldībai, sekmējot arī iedzīvotāju ieinteresētību maksāt nodokļus.”
More information is here
The article "Participatory budgeting as a tool for citizens participation at the work of the local government" is published on the website http://socialinnovation.lv/
More information is here
Vidzeme Planning Region continues to strengthen the citizen participation in the region
In March 2020, Vidzeme Planning Region announced a cultural project competition “Vidzeme culture program” implemented already for the thirteenth year in a row. It aims to promote the balanced development of cultural and art sectors and the preservation of cultural heritage in the country.
During this time, the project competition has proven to be an important financial instrument that promotes and ensures the cultural process in Vidzeme, thus creating and preserving a diverse cultural environment in the region. A great interest of the local community has been seen on the "Vidzeme culture program". This is evidenced by both the number of project applications submitted each year and the number of participants involved in the implementation of supported projects and visitors of events.
This year, 149 projects have been submitted to the competition and will be distributed funding of 143,000 EUR.
To ensure active public participation in the development and implementation of the "Vidzeme culture program" this year, a citizen survey was conducted to find out the opinion of citizens on cultural priorities that should receive funding. A significant number of people (726) took the opportunity to vote. So far, cultural priorities have been set based on views of industry experts, research, planning documents, as well as 12 years of experience implementing the program. Results of society vote were determinative defining the cultural fields where project initiatives later were submitted to obtain funding.
Continuing the participatory activities within the program, this year the public is also invited to vote on submitted projects. All projects are placed publicly on the website developed specifically for this purpose – http://balso.vidzeme.lv. Each citizen from the age of 16 can vote for three different projects. More than 12 200 votes have been placed on the website. Planned voting in person was cancelled due to an emergency.
Results of the public vote will be presented to the commission of experts of the program. The decision on the distribution of funding will be made by the State Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia following the recommendation prepared by experts.
This pilot activity is a step towards promoting public involvement in the decision-making of state and local government institutions, including the distribution of the budget for various initiatives. Conclusions obtained will be valuable both for the Vidzeme Planning Region, promoting the public participation process, and for local governments to develop the mechanisms of citizen involvement in the decision-making.
Information prepared by:
Ieva Bīviņa
Communication Manager
Vidzeme Planning Region
Vidzeme Planning Region launched first activities of participatory budgeting pilot
"EmPaci" project partners from Latvia – Vidzeme Planning Region has started first participatory budgeting (PB) pilot implementation activities aiming to promote society’s participation in the development of cultural processes in the Vidzeme region.
At the end of 2019, a society vote was announced inviting every inhabitant of the region to express their opinion on cultural priorities that should receive funding within the Vidzeme Culture Program 2020. For the thirteenth year already, Vidzeme Planning Region will be implementing a culture program in the region where organizations can obtain funding for the implementation of the culture projects in the territory of the Vidzeme historical region. The program aims to promote balanced development of culture and art sectors and the preservation of cultural heritage in the country.
So far, cultural priorities have been set based on the views of industry experts, research, planning documents, as well as 12 years of experience implementing the program in Vidzeme. The results of society vote initiated by Vidzeme Planning Region was determinative defining the priority cultural fields where public initiative projects will be submitted to obtain funding for their idea realisation. A significant number of people took the opportunity to vote and the results now are included in the regulation of the Vidzeme Culture Program 2020.
The next steps of the PB pilot activities in Vidzeme will include the development of a voting platform to enable citizens to vote on the culture initiatives submitted. The results of the vote will be presented later to the Vidzeme culture program expert commission.
For more information:
Ieva Bīviņa
Communication Manager
Vidzeme Planning Region